Introduction to Sunflower Mind in Therapy / Q&A

Thursday, December 7 at 12:00 pm New York time.

sunflower mind

The Sunflower Mind metaphor reflects a focus on interaction, as opposed to one-person psychology. It is consistent with the neuroscience conception of the mind as an embodied relational process.

The course is a highly experiential integration of clinical practice with neuroscience and somatic psychology, especially the Polyvagal Theory and an embodied approach to trauma. 

We will explore the physicality of our relational patterns, and how to harness the transformative power of creatively working with embodied experience

​This event is an opportunity to get more of a sense of the topic and the course in an experiential way.

See the full description of the course: Sunflower Mind: The embodied & relational edge of Focusing-oriented therapy.

Free introductory session & Q & A

Thursday December 7 at 12:00 pm New York time. Register to get Zoom link and recorded video of the session.

Note: when you register and give your geographic location, the server will indicate your local time (e.g. 9 am Los Angeles time, or 5 pm London time) instead of the New York time.

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