Grip video # 2: At the beginning of a session

This 2-minute video clip is part 2 of the video about working with an embodied mindful pause in therapy. See transcript below the video.


One way to use Active Pause is to do it at the very beginning of the session.

Many therapists have some kind of a little ritual that marks the difference between ordinary time and the space that is created or co-created inside a session. In the “session space”, time is a little bit different, and the quality of attention is a little bit different. Paying attention to inner experience is more important than in everyday life.

The transition is especially important as clients often rush to come to the session. They’re caught in the middle of their days. So it’s a way to mark the transition into a different space and sense of time.

So, you can use Active Pause as that kind of ritual, from the very beginning. You do it at the very beginning of the session. You go into it by giving the client the ball, and this one-minute experience gets them to notice what happens inside. They are taking a moment to notice the difference between the way they have been throughout their day, arriving, and getting into this different space.

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